After enjoying a little break over the holidays, we are gearing back up for winter racing season. Our race team enjoyed a fun sail in early January and resumed practice mid-January.
While the continued lull in available regattas is less than ideal, it does allow our race team sailors more freedom in taking turns sailing different boats. Without the pressure to prepare for a weekend regatta, they are freed up to try something new at practice. It’s turning into our own version of musical boats, with some sailors moving from an Opti, to a Laser, to a Sunfish, or a 420. We would like to give a shout out to Mason Sullivan, one of our summer coaches, who has been helping at our race team practices. Mason has an encouraging attitude and lots of experience, and our sailors enjoy learning with him. We look forward to resuming our Sunday recreational sailing program in March. Keep an eye on our website for the spring schedule. It’s also the time of year to start thinking about summer camp. Online registration will open in early March, so start spreading the word!