Greetings from the Manatee River Pram Fleet. It is hard to express how much we missed holding summer camp this year. We would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we continue to navigate this pandemic.
We are pleased to announce we are beginning to dip our toes back in the water and are gearing up for a modified racing and recreational season. Our racing team is looking forward to some upcoming regattas with other local sailing clubs. These regattas will look different in every way except for the actual sailing aspect, with skipper’s meetings on zoom and no onshore activities. It’s amazing how quickly it can all be forgotten once you get on the water! In addition to the racing team, we will be holding limited class size recreational sailing on some Sundays this fall. Our recreational program is designed for sailors who have completed a learn to sail program and want to continue developing their skills. These Sunday Funday sails provide an opportunity for sailors to try different boats and just have fun on the water. Please check our website for the schedule and email [email protected] if you have any questions about getting involved. Lastly, we are also offering individual or family (sibling) lessons by appointment. With many students learning on modified schedules this fall, we have an opportunity to provide sailing during the week for some. Please email us if you are interested. As far as precautions go, we are implementing the recommended social distancing and face covering guidelines while onshore. We are still limiting any group sailing to no more than 8 sailors, so reserve your spot today! We hope to see you out on the water.