The Champ Fleet Race Team is for experienced Opti racers seeking continued development of their skills on a regional-level travel team. Sailors progress into advanced handling and sail trim techniques while developing experience in race tactics, wind strategy, independent decision-making, fitness, tuning, and sailing by the rules. Coaches provide a fun and supportive team environment to both nurture and challenge a competitive sailor through a season of training and regattas.
Opti Champ Fleet Racing is organized into three fleets based on a sailor's age. All three fleets race together but are scored in separate divisions. White Fleet is for sailors 10 and under, Blue Fleet is for sailors 11-12, and Red Fleet is for sailors 13-15. Most sailors will size out of the Opti Class before aging out. We recommend experienced Opti sailors nearing 115 pounds complete one season in their fleet while transitioning into our c/420 Race Team.
Schedule & Time Commitment:
Our Fall Season begins on Saturday, August 24th and runs through December 10th. We meet for practice sailing sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 4 to 7:30pm and on select Saturdays between events. After daylight savings time ends, we host a series of interactive video reviews, team games, and fun boat rigging sessions on Thursdays and practice on the water most Saturdays. This fall we have scheduled about thirty individual practice sessions and five regattas. Parent participation and assistance with travel logistics such as trailer towing is necessary to attend travel events. While a time commitment is necessary to progress and develop your skills as a sailor, participation in all scheduled events is not required.
Boats Provided:
Sailing your own IODA rules-compliant Opti is encouraged. If needed, we provide a basic boat lease and starter equipment package for Champ Fleet Race Team members. This includes the boat, spars, blades, covers, travel dolly, and a club practice sail. We also offer a low-cost starter race kit complete with extra sail ties, control lines, airbags, bailers, simple hand tools, tape, and select spare parts. This kit is required for all Opti racers.
We strongly recommend purchasing a new race sail and personalized rigging equipment when leasing team-owned Optis for the Champ Fleet Race Team season.
Who Can Participate:
The Opti Champ Fleet Race Team is open to all sailors ages 9-14 who have completed at least one year of our Green Fleet Race Team.
Required Skills for the Opti Champ Fleet Race Team: [Taught in our Green Fleet Race Team and Advanced Sailing Opti 3 Class]
Awareness of wind shifts, puffs, and lulls.
Demonstrates basic roll tacks and jibes.
Slows and stops a boat in a confined area for over a minute.
Sails backward on command.
Jibes on command while holding a downwind course.
Demonstrates basic daggerboard settings.
Can sail and bail while holding a steady course.
Demonstrates weight placement for light, medium, and strong winds.
Demonstrates sportsmanship and understands fundamental rights of way.
Applies simple tactics to mark roundings.
Can rig, tune, de-rig, and care for equipment independently.
Can tension sprit and vang tension on the water without assistance.
Can plan and execute a station keeper start with acceleration.